Entries by bussyppcom

Why do we use genuine parts?

It can be rare for repair shops to use brand new OEM (original equipment manufacturer) replacement parts. Here at Busselton Panel and Paint we take pride in the quality of our work. That’s why, where possible, we use genuine or oem. This means that the part being purchased is made specifically for the make and […]

What do I do if I hit a kangaroo?

The chances of coming across wildlife on country roads can be quite high and hitting an animal can be stressful. If a kangaroo jumps out in front of you, hit your brakes. Swerving to miss a kangaroo can lead to loss of control of your car. If you hit a kangaroo or animal, pull to […]

Outstanding Collision Repair

Outstanding Collision Repair Support When You Need It Most [customer story] Back in July 2021, Erin came into our shop after a minor incident that saw the left rear door, quarter, and bumper of her 4WD with a few dents and scrapes. Wanting to have the collision damage repaired as soon as possible, our team […]

Why does your minor smash repair cost more than you expect?

Mysterious noises, disappointing results. When the drive home reveals a new rattle or metallic creak, it can be frustrating for anyone who thought they had taken care of their car. Minor damage is all too common on modern cars and most owners are well-versed in the costs of major repairs—from bumper modifications to engine replacements. […]